The Rewinders Podcast rewinds - and reboots - movies from the 80s and 90s that we watched as kids. We talk about what is remembered and felt about it as a child. Then, we determine if the movie still holds up. In between that we sing, make jokes, and act dumb in general. Current hosts of the Podcast are Joe, Ken, Andy, and Dan. Movies are reviewed on a bi-weekly basis and are released on Monday mornings.
![101 - Hook [1991]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8802320/Podbean_logo_Rewinders_101_300x300.jpg)
Monday Feb 08, 2021
101 - Hook [1991]
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Peter Banning is a lawyer... in acquisitions... and is a hot shot corporate man... with no time for his kids.
Moria Banning is a loving, caring, and dependable mother to those kids.
They are from London, but live in New York - because BUSINESS!
But, when they return to London they discover a dark secret... Peter. Never. Wanted. To. Grow. Up.
well, until he met Moria - then he wanted to grow up, but growing up meant totally forgetting his childhood.
Follow Peter, as he is abducted by a tiny lady and tortured by children, until he remembers what its like to be a kid again - and appreciate what he hasn't had time for in his life because earning money was drastically more important.
Then, he kills some guys on a boat - cheered on by the children that tortured him.
Peter was a vehicle of murder for these torture children, and once they got the non-bloody death they required - they let Peter and his children go.
Join Joe, Ken, Andy, and Dan as they talk about the movie Hook - and determine if it still holds up.
![100- The Beastmaster [1982]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8802320/Podbean_logo_Rewinders_100_300x300.jpg)
Monday Jan 25, 2021
100- The Beastmaster [1982]
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
In a land, far away, in the middle of nowhere... there is a tribe of people in precariously built stilted huts, whom till the grass. Until Sergeant Batman rode into town and killed everyone... or so he thought!
This is where the adventure begins! A king's son, who was stolen in the night... in a fashion we wont get into now, but it involves a cow, and prepared for sacrifice - saved and raised by a man in said precariously built stilted huts ditches his clothes to become THE BEASTMASTER.
Oh yeah, he gets some animals friends along the way too.
His first order of business... laaaaaaaaaadies. Then, vengeance. Vengeance wont potentially get him laid, so he puts that off.
This movie has sword fighting, painted tigers, ferrets, and a bit of nudity to keep the horny boys interested.
Join Joe, Ken, Andy, and Dan as they talk about the movie The Beastmaster - and decide if it still holds up.
![099 - The Running Man [1987]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8802320/Podbean_logo_Rewinders_99_300x300.jpg)
Monday Jan 11, 2021
099 - The Running Man [1987]
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
In the year 2017 the most popular TV show is The Running Man! Convicts get a chance to earn their freedom with a "futuristic" gladiatorial extravaganza! Lets not talk about its all a show and none of it is real. The Stalkers suck, the Runners actually never win, and Deep Fakes are much easier to accomplish than now in reality.
Join Joe, Ken, Andy, and Dan as they jog along side the movie - digging deep into the shallow one-liner festival of fun.
Find out if The Running Man still stands up.
![098 - Rebooting: The Rewinders Podcast [2020/season 3 Review]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8802320/Podbean_logo_Rewinders_98_300x300.jpg)
Monday Jan 04, 2021
098 - Rebooting: The Rewinders Podcast [2020/season 3 Review]
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Joe, Ken, Andy, and Dan have been Rewinding, and Rebooting, movies for a year now - Rebooting the podcast itself.
With a bit of reflection they look back upon their first year together Rewinding movies from the 80s and 90s (mostly) and look a bit ahead as they are unshackled from the season of the Reboots.
Join them for a short chat as they prepare for Season 4... the season of... Guilty Pleasures? Horrible Monstrosities? One-liners? Only time will tell...

Monday Dec 28, 2020
097 - A Very Netflix Christmas 2020: Just Another Christmas
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Joe watches them once, riffs them once - and never watches them again.
This week Netflix imported a holiday film from Brazil and dubbed it - and it was done pretty well actually.
Its a film about a cranky guy, who hates Christmas... who gets all cranky, on Christmas... and ends up Groundhoging Christmas, sort of, thanks to Grandpa cursing him with old man magic, or something. One mistress, two homes, and three dogs later he learns the magic of Christmas.
The last episode of this year's A Very Netflix Christmas - sync the audio up with the Netflix logo and riff along!

Friday Dec 25, 2020
096 - A Very Netflix Christmas 2020: A Recipe for Seduction
Friday Dec 25, 2020
Friday Dec 25, 2020
From left field, Bethany comes out of holiday movie riffing retirement to join me on this extra special short film.
The Colonel is cooking up some chicken that is too good to not fall in love with... then Mother-in-Law... or actual Mother, I never quite understood her place in the family (as you will hear in the recording) - comes in like a poor-man's Lucille Bluth to ruin the day.
Experience a full Lifetime movie in the span of 15 minutes and hear Bethany's own history that connects her to the actual Colonel Sanders, not the beefy-McBeefcake one.
Joe and Bethany watched it once, and riffed it once with a special Christmas Day episode of A Very Netflix Christmas.

Monday Dec 21, 2020
095 - A Very Netflix Christmas 2020: Holidate
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Why stay shackled to the same person all year when you can party with them over all the "holidays" with no commitments? Wait, but isn't agreeing to something like that a commitment?! Oh no, its already falling apart!
Add a dash of a Yoda-like little girl... a non-United States accent... and a raunchy aunt and you have a "holiday" movie that gives you some chuckles between the feel-good moments.
Joe watches it once, and riffs it once before never watching it again. Sync the audio up to the Netflix logo and riff along!

Monday Dec 14, 2020
094 - A Very Netflix Christmas 2020: Operation Christmas Drop
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Watch it once, Riff it once. That is the way we do things during A Very Netflix Christmas.
This week, we follow a penny pincher from DC who is tasked to find every reason to shut down Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. Meanwhile, a pilot who can't stop giving has to hide his "dirty secret" or single handedly close the base down due to his actions. Who knows, maybe those CG geckos will bring some luck and the pair will fall in love instead and the Christmas Drop will go off without a hitch.
A ridiculous plot, a young couple who don't care for each other up front who are destined to fall in love, and a mean lady wanting to shut the base down who needs to be shown the true meaning of Christmas... its a recipe for another episode of A Very Netflix Christmas!

Monday Dec 07, 2020
093 - A Very Netflix Christmas 2020: The Princess Switch Switched Again
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Feel the holiday fever with The Rewinders Podcast, or at least Joe. Its that time of the year when movie reviews take a back seat to Modern Holiday Movie Riffing! Sync up the podcast to the Netflix logo of the corresponding movie and have Joe along for your viewing to say stuff - witty or not.
We only watch the movie once - and we riff the movie that one time... why? why would we want to watch these movies a second time?!
Watch as Stacey and Margaret switch places AGAIN, but this time... cousin Fiona joins in the switching! Its like a Las Vegas Cup Game... pick the real Margaret, watch the cups, where is she?
How is this a holiday movie? It happens around Christmas, and they decorate a palace. CHRISTMAS!
![092 - Rebooting: Clue [1985]](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog8802320/Podbean_logo_Rewinders_92_300x300.jpg)
Monday Nov 30, 2020
092 - Rebooting: Clue [1985]
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
One day you are playing a game of muuuuuuuurrrrrrrduuuuuuuuur... and thinking, "its just a game."
Then, comes along a movie about muuuuuuuuurrrrrrrduuuuuuuuur... and... its no longer... just a game.
Its a movie about murder! and a silly one at that. Filled with a bunch of actors you've seen all over the place (your mileage may vary depending on age).
Tune in, and listen to Joe, Ken, Andy, and Dan chat about the movie CLUE and tangent to the corners of the Muppet universe. Does Clue hold up after all these years? Is a remake warranted? Will Dan ever watch Escape from New York ever again?! Listen and find out!